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5 Effective Exit-Intent Strategies to Increase Conversion Rates

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Let’s say you have a website, or you’re simply interested in e-commerce and marketing. No matter what your situation is we’re going to suppose that you sell products, blog posts each week and create campaigns to make your customers happy.

However, you follow the analytics and realize that something is going wrong with your website. Probably you start to think that, ‘‘What am I doing wrong?’’

Don’t worry, probably there are thousands of people walking in your shoes…

In this case, we need to think about the reasons. What causes this situation… There are many other reasons make visitors lose their attention on websites. They might don’t understand what to do, where to go on a web page or didn’t feel the right time to make a purchase. They may be distracted by something in or out of the website. Whatever the reason is, we need to focus on how can we convert those abandoning visitors?

Concisely, with popups. Wait a sec! Are we really talking about these annoying and irritating display ads or something else? Yes, we will break down the prejudices!

Let’s suppose that you have an innovative and smart technology that detects the target visitors before they leave… Well, it actually happens in today’s world.

How does Exit-Intent Technology Work?

Online shoppers stay on an e-commerce website for 15-30 seconds. In order to convert shoppers into making a purchase, that’s surely not long enough. Also, huge number of people drop their order and leave the cart right before they check-out.

This is a real problem for e-commerce stores.

Generating new traffic into your store is not enough if you can’t keep your visitors. Unfortunately, a lot of marketers lose most visitors, from both organic traffic and paid leads.

In this case, you need s strategic plan to prevent this scenario.

Popups have smart algorithm and they detect and react visitor behavior such as abandonment, inactivity time, etc. So, as long as they’re used in a productive manner, they’re beneficial. In order to provide a user-friendly mobile experience and avoid being penalized by Google, exit-intent technology offers one of the best solution to increase conversions.

Who doesn’t like something that is useful for the business?

Today, we’re going to talk about a very specific and probably the most popular popup type; EXIT-INTENT POPUP.

Exit-Intent Popups have a magnificent effect on the conversion rates of websites.  

According to Conversion XL, these exit pop-ups (that are only on blog posts – not every web page) generated a 600% sign-up increase, gaining the company 445 – 470 new subscribers every day (their non-pop-up sign up rate was 70-80).

Exit-intent is one of the best lead generation strategy. If you consider the impact on user experience and use them smartly, exit-intent popups will help you to boost your conversions.

Also, Baymard Institute’s data shows that you can recover up to %69.89 of abandoned carts by showing your visitors Exit-Intent Popup.

They detect visitors activity by examining the mouse movements and velocity of a visitor.

That’s how they aim to hook visitors back to the website in time. But how they actually do that?

By paying their attention and guide them towards a strong call to action such as Subscribe or Discount. In this way, they trigger the improvement of the conversion rate of your website. You simply can convert visitors into loyal customers.

However, you need to display exit-intent popup ads to relevant people at the right time. That means, don’t show popups to visitors once they enter your website. Give them a time. Understand their intention and interest.

Lets imagine,

One of your website visitors clicked through to your blog post of yours via social media. That means she has shown a specific interest in your topic. After letting her finish the reading, offer them something valuable. Your aim is not to interrupt her experience but to provide something great, to keep her. People need a reason to stick around. In this case, a targeted exit popup that offers a free download or a valuable promotion related to your article makes sense.

By doing that, you’ll be able to send e-mails that are directly related to your customers’ preference and interest. In this way, they can receive your perfect offer and you’ll have a strong list of your customers.

With exit-intent popup technology, you can test alternative headlines to figure out which one is more effective.

It’s so exciting. Isn’t it?

Let’s have a deeper look at the benefits of the exit-intent popups below.

Well, Exit-Intent Popup;

Gives You Another Chance to Sell Your Product

People need the right incentives to take the desired action. Simply they need a motivational reason to complete your task. How about changing their mind when your customers are about to leave your website?

With an interesting message such as a discount, free shipping offer or a special campaign, you can have back your visitor’s attention on your website. That means it’s another chance to highlight your product with a convincing message.

Instead of letting customers go, you pop up an exclusive discount coupons offer on exit to interrupt their decision to leave.

This will help you convince them to stay longer on your website and convert them into paying for your products at discount.

Exit-Intent Popups are great options for you to hook your customers back with attractive messages.

Exit-Intent Email Pop-Up

Helps You Build an Email List

We’re aware of the power of e-mail marketing. Clearly, it’s one of the most effective, and powerful way to communicate with your target audiences. So why not grow your subscriber list by using Exit-Intent Popups?

People are more likely to hand over their email address for a special offer that lasts a week, rather than forcing them to buy now. Instead of doing that, you should offer things that they can’t refuse.

By doing that, you’ll be able to build and grow your email list. Also, it enables you to send e-mails that are directly related to your customers’ preference and interest.

Using Email Lead Gen Strategies

In this way, they can receive your perfect offer and you’ll have a strong list of your customers.

Grab their contact by asking them to sign up an email address or ask them to follow your social media profiles to get a discount code. Believe me, it’s somehow a sustainable and trustworthy way of building a rich email list and social fan base!

We call it killing two birds with one stone.

Decrease Cart Abandonment Rate

You can grab your abandoning visitor’s attention by providing them an Exit-Intent Popup that consist of great one time offers, discount coupons, free shipping options or free gifts. This is a great way to reduce cart abandonment with a last minute offer. You may also ask people to save their shopping list through exit-intent technology.

Decrease Cart Abandonment Rates

Recommend Other Product

Think about yourself. Probably you haven’t found what you want and have left the website for thousand times. It happens all the time. How about fixing this problem?

Well, we can keep our visitor engaged and increase our chances to convert them with Exit-Intent Popups. Recommending popular products of your website or showing trending contents to your visitors is another powerful way to keep engaging with them.

Recommend other Products

Lets You Test Your On-Brand Message

As we all know that people consume so fast and they need motivation. They’re inspired by capturing messages. In this case, you need to build your brand’s voice!

How about playing with your words to deliver emotional touching pitches? Be open-hearted, talk like a friend, let them trust your brand, product, and service. This is the only way to change their mind. Get to know your customers. Be unique. Customize your call-to-action messages based on “all customers”, “new visitors only” or “returning customers”.

Remember it’s all about choosing your audience! It will save your cost and help you target the right customers you want to tap into with your exit-intent popup.

Provide Coupons with Exit-Intent Technology

Finally, if you’re reading this article, it means you have at least an interest in digital marketing. And that means, there is no chance to haven’t heard about A/B Testing.

This effective method leads us to understand which version of the webpage performs better. Here is the good news; with exit-intent popup technology, you can test alternative headlines to figure out which one is more effective.

As a result of that, you explore the best marketing message to increase your conversion rate.


Let’s put it all in a nutshell, exit-intent technology is a powerful tool in e-commerce.

It’s definitely one of the best popup types to increase the conversion rates of your website. As PopupSmart team, we’re sure that you’ve already started implementing exit-intent popup to your website.

Share your own experience with exit-intent pop-ups!

Author Information:

Mia Mowry

Mia Mowry

Mia Mowry is the Content Marketing Manager of PopupSmart. She is also the author of PopupSmart’s Blog. You can find her on LinkedIn, or you
can directly reach her through PopupSmart’s website.

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